How To Stay Sober After Losing a Loved One

loved one

Losing a loved one is one of the saddest things that can happen to anyone. During this period, one is overwhelmed by grief, denial, and despair. Even the strongest people get affected after losing a loved one to death. Grief is a natural reaction to loss, whether it is the loss of a person, pet, home, or job. In fact, after losing a person, some people exhibit signs of depression for up to six months, which is a normal part of grieving. It is better than suppressing it. When you are in recovery, facing the loss of a loved one can be challenging, and sometimes this can trigger a relapse. Here is how you ensure that you get to stay sober during these trying times.

Allow Yourself to Grieve

Losing a loved one comes with a lot of difficult emotions. The worst thing you can do is try to block them out or be hard on yourself because of feeling overwhelmed. Trying to suppress feelings of anger, sadness and loss only makes the grieving much worse. Preventing yourself from experiencing a normal response to death can lead you down a bad path. It is easy for you to turn back to alcohol and addiction as a coping mechanism, which is unhealthy and eliminates your progress.

Try and Involve Yourself With Positive

If you do not occupy yourself with other things, you will dwell on negative thoughts that come with a strong desire to use drugs or take alcohol. Try not to stay on the couch all day thinking about your loss. Look for any healthy activities that can occupy your time, like taking a walk, jogging, meditation, or praying. Getting out of the house even for 30 minutes or an hour is better than sitting in the house all day doing nothing.

Seek Support From Other People

Death is brutal, and often most people want to just isolate themselves and grief. However, as much as you yearn for solitude, isolating yourself from other people can trigger a relapse. There is nothing wrong with crying or being angry when around other people. Close people around you want to help you get through this process. Allow them to help you, whether it is with the funeral, legal, or any other arrangements that have to be made.

Try and Avoid Any Triggering Situations

Death is already a triggering circumstance that can lead to a relapse. That means you are already in a vulnerable state. Therefore, it is important to avoid exposing yourself to any other feelings, situations, or stressors that can cause you to get high or drink. For instance, now is not the time to be around people that make you unhappy or uncomfortable. You should also avoid going to a club or anywhere near drugs and alcohol even if friends invite you with good intentions. Any triggers should be avoided at all costs.

Follow Your Treatment Plan

Continuing with your treatment plan when dealing with the loss of a loved one may seem tasking. It is also okay to take some time to grieve. However, when things ease up, if you are in rehab, then it is important to continue with treatment. Click here and learn how you can benefit from a recovery center, particularly in this difficult time. Besides rehab, if you are talking to a therapist, continue. This is the time where you need to surround yourself with people that understand your struggles and can help you cope with grief.

Grief is difficult, and there is nothing in life that prepares you for the loss of a loved one. However, if you are in recovery, the tips mentioned above can help you avoid relapse and continue with your sobriety journey.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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