How to prevent auto-renewing service?

how to cancel norton subscription

Application software provides various tools to the user to perform a certain job. Users can install the program and then use its features. For accessing simple tools; you can go for the freeware. Whereas for the advanced tasks, users may require premium applications. For access to those programs; the user has to purchase a subscription. You can purchase the license and use the tools until the license expires. After the expiry, users can renew the subscription. When you are using the program for a long time; check for its auto-renewal service. Users aren’t required to renew their subscriptions manually after using this service. But when you don’t require the program anymore; cancel the subscription. Without the cancellation; your license will get renewed and you will get the bills. To prevent this, cancel the license. 

Cancel your license to prevent auto-renewal

When the program is in auto-renewal mode and you are not using it then cancel the subscription. Without the cancellation; you will see the auto-renewal of your program. If you don’t require the program or you are about to upgrade it then stop its auto-renewal service.

How to Cancel Norton subscription?

  1. Go to the device and open the program
  2. Check the dashboard and tap on the subscription
  3. Users will get redirected to the program’s website 
  4. Login to the account
  5. Click on the Subscription icon
  6. Select the License
  7. Choose the Cancel button
  8. You will get a confirmation wizard for license cancellation
  9. Select the Confirm option
  10. Go to the main menu
  11. Check for the subscription
  12. You will see the remaining days column

Check the remaining days and now you will get a confirmation email. Once you receive the mail, you can use the program without the auto-renewal concerns. 

Asking for the refund on auto-renewal

Many premium applications provide the refund service on yearly plans. When the license of the program gets renewed automatically; the user can cancel it and get a refund. But the refund has some limitations. Check whether the license of your program is under auto-renewal or not. When the program is under renewal then you can claim it easily.

Open the browser and go to the program’s website

  1. Select the Login button
  2. Provide the login details
  3. Users will get the profile 
  4. Click on the subscription window
  5. Check for the auto-renewed subscription
  6. You will see a Cancel button
  7. Tap on the button
  8. A refund window will be displayed
  9. Select Confirm refund option
  10. Program expiry warning message will appear on the screen

Choose the confirm option and the auto-renewed license will expire. Now provide the details for the refund. When the details are correct; the user will get this refund in a few days. But now users can’t access any tools of the program. Many programs allow the user to access the free tools after the expiry of a premium subscription. 

Cancel subscription and get the refund on Android

On Android devices, users can get their programs only from the play store. This OS doesn’t allow program installation which is not on the Play Store. But users can install other programs by making a few changes to the device. When the user has purchased the premium license of his program from the Play Store; he can use it for cancellation also. 

  1. Open phone and tap on Google Play Store
  2. Go to your Profile icon
  3. Select your subscription icon
  4. Now choose the program from the subscription list
  5. Click on the Cancel button
  6. When the confirmation page appears; hit on Yes button
  7. Users will get a refund option
  8. Give the details and hit on Confirm button

The auto-renewed license of the program will no longer work. Users will get the expired status on the subscription page. Now you can go to the program and uninstall it from the device.

Renewing the subscription of your program manually 

The auto-renewal service is available in a few programs only. If the subscription of your program is not under the auto-renewal and gets expired then check for manual renewal. Users can renew the subscription from their account. After logging in, the user has to check his subscription page. When it shows the expired status then check for the renew button. Hit on that button and then you will see the renewal options. You can choose any of the renewal services for the program and then enter the billing information. Users can use the premium features of the application after the renewal.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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