Why laughter is the best medicine that everyone should take?

Why laughter is the best medicine that everyone should take?

Laughter can help relieve a person’s stress. When a person gets a good laugh it has many short-term effects. When a person laughs, it lightens their load mentally. It also induces physical changes in one’s body. Laughter can stimulate many organs. Laughter also enhances one’s intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates the heart, lungs, and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by the brain.

Laughter also activates and relieves their stress response. A good laugh increases and then takes down one’s stress. It can also increase and then decrease a person’s heart rate and blood pressure. The result of all this is a good and relaxed feeling.

Laughter is also said to soothe tension. Laughter can also better blood circulation. It can aid muscle relaxation as well. This can help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress as well as make a person healthy.

Laughter is also shown to have certain long-term effects. Laughter is not just a quick resolve. It’s also good for a person over the long term. Laughter may improve one’s immune system. Negative thoughts lead to chemical reactions that can affect one’s body. It brings more stress into the system and decreases one’s immunity level. On the other hand, positive thoughts give way to positive hormones that help in reducing stress and also the more serious illnesses. It also relieves pain. Laughter is said to reduce pain by making the body produce its natural stress-relieving medicines. It also increases personal satisfaction as well. Laughter can also make it better to deal with tough situations. It also helps them connect with other people. It improves one’s mood. Many people face depression. It is caused due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen one’s stress, depression, and anxiety and may make a person feel happier. It can also improve one’s self-esteem as well. Most students make use of an education app also known as or called classroom app to boost their self-esteem.

Here are a few ways that can induce laughter in a person.

Watching Comedy Films

Life without comedy is a miserable life. When a person cracks a joke, people around them get happy too. It is a simple way of being happy. It is the sharing of happiness that matters. There are many reasons why people love comedy movies. The reasons differ from person to person. The common reason is that these make a person feel happy. Some of the best funny movies are on people’s tongues. It is because they are catchy and relevant. Comedy movies make a person’s life better and give a person a reason to laugh.

When a person watches comedy movies, it helps them to spend time together. It keeps them glued to the screen and time passes even before they know it. Every person has busy timetables and people most times wonder how to pass time. People are lazy and anxious. It is the best time to revive one’s brain and make one feel relaxed. It is a treat to one’s eyes and soul. It not only helps them to pass the time but also recharges the brain.

Spending time with Family

Spending time with family that evokes laughter is a good way to protect the heart. It improves the function of the blood vessels. It also increases blood flow. These are both good for one’s heart. It also stops reduces emotions. It increases positive energy and decreases feelings of anxiety, or depression. It draws one closer to others. Shared laughter can create a bond. It forms strong friendships that have a positive impact on mental, long emotional, and physical health.


Laughter is a must to help reduce the stress that goes on in a person’s life. It can make a person jolly and motivated. Certain yoga postures also induce laughter.

This is the reason one should make sure to make laughter an essential part of life, like food or water. There are many ways one can do so. For instance, one can make sure to spend time with family and friends. This can help in distractions as well. One can make sure to work towards living a better life with reduced stress.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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