Table of Contents
According to the law, both parents are entitled to child custody. The law doesn’t discriminate against dads. However, stats show that fathers have very slim chances of winning a full child custody case. To be precise, only 17.5 percent make it to the winning arena. Mothers are more likely to win a child custody case. Still more, non-biological parents can also win a child custody case. This scenario is known as non parent custody or third-party custody. Irrespective of your position in the child’s life, you should employ the right strategies to win a custody case. This guide is going to delve into the practical strategies fathers can employ to win a full custody case.
Be Genuine, Honest
Things are not going to be easy. Thus, manage your expectations. Manage your finances. Be practical with the steps you are intending to make. Of course, your heart will wish for full child custody. However, it may be unrealistic. The judge will go through the case and try to establish if your case is making sense. In your petition, try to figure out the responsibilities that await you. Be practical about things you cannot do or accomplish.
Come Up with A Good Plan
Preparation is key when it comes to petitioning the court to grant your child custody. In your players, make a good plan. For instance, the judge will ask you certain questions. Make a plan on how you will respond to these questions. Start with accommodation, education, and even financial preparedness. Answer all the questions with a high level of honesty.
Seek Opinions of Other Parents
There are several parents out there who have gone through this process. Look for these parents. Seek advice from them. Ask them what you expect from your case. However, it’s important to understand that each person has a unique experience. Thus, don’t bring emotional aspects into the real facts. Leave fear and anxiety out of the process. They can ruin your case.
Take Part in The Child’s Life
Besides providing for your child’s basic needs, the court will try to establish whether you have a meaningful father-child relationship. In particular, the court will try to determine if there is an objective expression. For instance, does your child’s teacher know you? Have you attended any academic progress meetings? Do you help your child to accomplish his/her homework? What about your child’s best friends? Do you know them?
Paying Child Support is Very Important
Child support is an important aspect of this case. So, don’t stop paying child support. This includes during the case. Doing so will make the judge trust your good track record. Also, consider maintaining good records with the other parent. Keep all the receipts. However, if you have trouble meeting the payments, consider requesting modifications. It’s important to note that getting full child custody is not an avenue for eliminating paying for child support.
Other Tips
Here are additional strategies for winning a child custody case:
- Keep records of all the visitations
- Your child needs space. So, create a good space for him/her
- Improve the safety and security of your home
The Bottom-Line
Like mothers, fathers have the right to full child custody. However, stats don’t favor them. Thus, fathers should work extra hard to win a case relating to full child custody. Use the above tips and tricks to win your case and take full child custody today IITSWEB.