5 Advantages of Using PDF Instead of Word

PDF files are said to be more professional and presentable than other file formats.  If they are generally accepted and considered in all circumstances, why can’t word files have that ability? 

There are many kinds of files in use for different purposes. But mostly, PDF and word are still the main files to talk about. It is because of their user interface and familiarity. However, PDF files are still more accepted in several cases. Below are the main benefits observed in using PDF files over word files in several cases:

  1.   Easy to Work With

PDF files can be easily converted from one form to another without any problem. As stated, there are millions of file formats, and pdf files can easily convert to any of them. It means you can easily convert pdf to png, pdf to word, pdf to jpg, pdf to picture, pdf to HTML, even pdf to any other used file. Not just that, you can also unlock PDF, merge, and also split it. 

Unlocking Your File With GogoPDF 

Tools like GogoPDF are specifically designed to make pdf editing and conversion easy. With GogoPDF you can also unlock PDF files protected with passwords.  You can also just click a simple command on your screen and convert your pdf files into different formats in a few minutes. 

With just a few clicks, you can convert any file to PDF format into an editable file. GogoPDF allows you to put different kinds of file contents in different formats like images, videos, graphics, animations, etc. without causing any harm to the format of the document. Plus the documents you upload to the GogoPDF are secured and deleted from the system after a few hours. 

  1.  Format

PDF files do not alter the format of your file in any form. When a file is being transferred from one source to another by networking, it could change, but pdf files stay the same. They don’t change, and components can never be distorted in any medium even if it is being shared from one form to another. These pdf files remain the same on mobile gadgets as when they were created on the computer system.

This is the reason it is easily accessible and is accepted by most professionals. It easily accorded any kind of device. A significant problem with word files is that they would change their format as soon as they get to another file. The file will become awry, unidentifiable, and not easy to use. Sometimes, if you have not been used to the change of format of pdf files, you will not easily comprehend it. Eventually, you will delete the file. 

  1.  Convenient

There are different software and programs created daily to make your life on the internet more accessible. If you want to follow that theory, you have to be convenient with anything you do, including the files you work with. PDF files are convenient to use. They are easy to read, and they are easy to adapt to. On top of all, they are user-friendly and easy to comprehend. This is sometimes lacking in word files.  One touch on any wrong spot on the documents might leave you with a scattered file you have to re-arrange. 

This is what pdf will do conveniently for its users. It also helps to allow you to use the pdf files for any function. Also, pdf files are very effective to use. It can be accessed on all operating systems, including mobile gadgets, laptops, and many others.

  1.  Saves Space

If you have a large number of files you would like to store on your computer, PDF is the right format to use. With PDF your files can be stored for a long time without the quality being affected. For long-term storage, you also have the option of converting your PDF files to PDFA. If you would like to compress your file, you can make use of sites like Gogo PDF to reduce file space. 

  1.  Security

Overall, pdf files are the safest file to use. They can easily be encrypted and secured with password pdf files can be password protected. They can be encrypted and kept in a secure folder or software to prevent unauthorized sources from getting to it. 

The simple fact about it is that it does not get hacked easily. And if by any means it gets used, edited, or accessed by an unauthorized source, there is still an opportunity for it to be traced easily with a fast digital setup. This means the unauthorized source can not get away with tempering your file. 


Files in PDF file layout also have a high level of expertise. Sometimes, when professionals, business people, and many other corporate personnel are required to work out a report, assignment, task, or sheet, they do so in pdf form. This is because of the advanced features pdf possesses. 

Another thing to note is that you don’t have to worry about the compatibility of files. If you have ever come across a file supported by your device, you can easily convert it to PDF for easy use. 


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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