4 Productive Things You Should Do After Nine To Five

4 Productive Things You Should Do After Nine To Five

Whether you work at home, in the headquarters, or overseas, having an additional job helps pay off the huge bills and leaves you with extra savings. Although it is a fruitful way to use after-office hours, it is certainly not the only thing you could do.

Many people look for gigs, sidelines, or something worth their time. It’s actually a good start because you acknowledged the need to do something that generates results when you reach this point. Listed below are a few productive things to consider doing after clocking out from your nine to five.

Learn A New Skill

The world has turned into a harsh dog-eat-dog realm pushing everyone to change or die. Jobs we had years back were given to more efficient and emotionless bots, thanks to AI and robotics. Humanity is now racing to increase its value or be phased out by man-made alternatives. A way to prevent this is by upskilling and putting them into practice.

The creative area is one of the least likely spaces to be dominated by bots soon. While there are AI tools for writing, they are still far from being perfect. Consider taking up art classes or a degree in interior design. You won’t need to go to a physical campus to earn a diploma nowadays. Aspirants can enroll in a Zoom Course for Interior Design and be equipped with the knowledge and skills that’ll make them irreplaceable.

Grow Your Professional Network

Alongside learning new skills, it’s time to meet new people from different areas of expertise. Create tons of legit professional profiles where you can display your aptitudes and portfolio. 

LinkedIn is one of the biggest communities for professionals. There are still much smaller online groups where you can meet potential investors, clients, or business partners. You may also attend conferences, business events, and expos, which are hot spots for business-minded people like you.

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Finish A Home DIY Project

Completing some parts of your home with DIY projects gives that great sense of accomplishment. Also, it’s a grown-up deed that increases the value of your home. Some of these tasks are:

  • Adding curb appeal
  • Installing an above ground pool
  • Creating an entertainment hub
  • Lighting up the patio
  • Fixing old furniture pieces

Look For Investment Opportunities

Famous investors shared that you need to figure out how to earn money while you sleep. Otherwise, you’ll grow old working for the same company. It may not be the exact words, but it should make enough sense.

Learn how to invest in stocks, check your options for crypto, or engage in play-to-earn activities. Through these investment schemes, everyone’s trying to create a world of their own. With enough knowledge and the right precautions, it shouldn’t hurt to be a part of these realms.


A nine-to-five job is already draining. But if you plan to create a better future for yourself, you need to explore opportunities that bring in worthwhile outputs.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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