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Most of us have enjoyed a bit of a dance at some point, whether at weddings and parties, in nightclubs, or our kitchens while we make dinner. While most of us have felt the effects of a dance workout, perhaps with achy limbs or blistered feet the day after a party, or the need to sit down after strutting exuberantly to our favorite tunes, few of us (aside from serious and competitive dancers) have considered making dance a regular part of our fitness regimes. We dance for fun, not to lose weight, strengthen muscles or improve our cardiovascular health.
This is a mistake. The very fact that we don’t consider dance to be a serious or demanding workout, but we instead look upon it as something to be enjoyed and even cherished as part of our social lives, is why it’s the absolute best way to keep fit. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of dance, and why you should add it to your fitness routines today.
Dancing is a Great Way to Care for Your Mental Health
Most exercise is good for your mental health, and dance is no different. Joining a dance club or class, or even attending less formal, but regular events such as salsa nights are a great way to meet new people, make friends, and get out of the house frequently. It’s also a fantastic way to relieve stress and unwind, which is something most of us need from time to time. Another way that dance can improve your mental health is by giving you something to look forward to, and something to get better at. This can be great for your confidence and self-esteem.
Dance Routines are a Great Memory Boost
As we start to get older, some level of cognitive decline is perfectly normal. Forgetting things isn’t necessarily a sign that there’s something more seriously wrong with your memory. But whether you are fighting normal aging or trying to prevent a more serious cognitive issue from developing, challenging your memory is a fantastic way to do it. Remembering dance routines tests your memory, but it also helps you work out the connections between your mind and body, which can be fantastic when it comes to improving mental acuity and memory as you get older.
Regular Dancing Can Improve Flexibility
Dancing gives you a chance to move in different ways. You’ll use your body to create new shapes and stretch into different positions. Doing this regularly will help you to become more flexible and could even improve your posture.
Dancing Gets Your Heart Beating Faster
Dance is a fantastic cardiovascular workout. Dancing, whether in a class or for fun, gets your body moving more, boosts your heart rate and you might even work up a good sweat. Dancing for an extended period can improve your heart health; lower your resting heart rate; improve your stamina, and so your performance at other sports; and lower the risk of you developing heart disease and other conditions.
You’ll Burn More Calories
While your heart is beating faster, your body is moving, and you are sweating, you are burning more calories. This makes dancing a great way to maintain a healthy weight, or lose weight if you need to.
Dancing is a Full-Body Workout
If you dance slowly and carefully, you only really use your legs. If you dance like no one is watching, and you let yourself go, moving to the music, you get a full-body workout, which isn’t something you can achieve with all kinds of exercise.
Dancing Increases Strength and Muscle Tone
Dancing isn’t just a cardio workout; it’s also a bodyweight exercise that builds muscle, core strength and improves your balance. Dancing doesn’t just help you to lose weight; it also helps you to tone and strengthen while increasing muscle mass.
You Can Dance Anywhere
One of the best things about dancing is that you can do it wherever you want to. You can dance at home, in classes, while you wait to pay at the store, or in a dance studio. If you want to experiment with new styles or start to take your dancing more seriously, you can hire a studio from PIRATE have dance studios that offer a multipurpose space with a sprung floor, ballet barre, room-length mirror, and sound system. It’s affordable dance studio rent with the option to rent a dance studio for the day. It’s ideal for practicing in a professional space, or for something more serious like preparing for a show, starting your own group, or even putting together regular classes.
Whether you dance in your kitchen or take regular classes, dancing is an excellent way to keep fit, work all the major muscle groups, improve your cardiovascular health and circulation, and boost your mental health. Even better, dance is perfect for people who hate organized exercise because it’s such good fun. You won’t even know you are exercising. What could be better?