What Type of Site Do I Need? Building A Business Site in 2022

What Type of Site Do I Need? Building A Business Site in 2022

Owning, Operating, and growing a business has gotten increasingly difficult for several years in a row, and a large factor in that is the transition to online advertising and sales. Whether you are a small storefront or brand that is taking their business online, your website is everything in 2022. The vast majority of customers, clients, or patients want to see a professional, informative website with user-friendly features and plenty of informative content. 

There are several primary points that highlight the importance of a great website, including:

Search Visibility

Your online presence will magically grow overnight, or even in a matter of weeks. In many cases, you may never see the first page unless you put additional effort into ranking your site, but everything starts with good website design and development. When a website is properly structured, pages are used to provide valuable content, and basic SEO is applied, you stand a much better chance at ranking faster and for more keywords.

Conversion Rate

The quality of your website is a major factor when it comes to your conversion rate (CRO). From a modern, interactive design that perfectly fits your business to meticulously placed Call To Actions (CTAs), the design, layout, and backend of your site will be imperative to keeping customers on the hook. Look at the top competitors for your service; chances are, they have a pretty great website that functions well and provides valuable content.

24/7 Advertising

When built properly, your website is a constant advertisement for your business or brand. You may not be standing in the streets with flyers or business cards, but you are leaving constant impressions and hopefully drawing customers in with intriguing taglines.

It’s A Platform Devoted To Your Business!

A business owner should never underestimate the power of a website. Especially in an atmosphere where everyone is stuck indoors and taking extra precautions, it’s important to display your business professionally wherever possible. Your website serves as a constant advertisement and should let you display everything you are as a business. Creating a website that fits your mission and converts leads to sales, clients, or signed-on patients is the ultimate goal, and it all starts with site build.

Designing Your Site

It’s very possible that you could use a website builder to create a functioning site for your business, but in most cases, hiring a website designer is your best option. Web designers can help you meet the exact aesthetic you are looking for and ensure that your website is made to modern standards. 

Unfortunately, most customer bases are not looking for a basic site when researching businesses, as a nice website gives an heir of professionalism. When choosing a type of website for your business, your main driving factors will be your goals, preferences, and budget. Minimalistic website designs with limited page quantities are often a go-to due to affordability but consider a full build-out to maximize your results. 

This designer offers a great example of web design packages, which lets you see the differences in pricing between different website packages.

Go With A Designer That Sets You Up For Success

We’ve established that you should probably go with a professional website designer, but it’s important to find one that will work with you to achieve the best results possible. In many cases, it will benefit you to start a blog and post content actively, while in other situations you may want to add numerous pages for SEO purposes. In any scenario, a custom WordPress site will give you ideal results. 

Have your designer show you around the site, explain functions and plugins, and instruct a bit before sending you on the road. Make quality your focus and build a website that your business can grow into.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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