What Happens After You First Become a Company’s Salesperson?


Becoming a salesperson or sales representative is the ambition of many young Americans. With a significant amount of control over working hours, salary directly dependent on performance, and the ability to travel on the job, it is a sought-after and traditional profession that many think they know the full details of before they even begin. 

However, what exactly happens after you become a salesperson for a reputable company? Read on to discover the answer.

You Start the Most Important Journey – Learning

The first journey that commences once you become a salesperson is the one that leads to learning. Learning about the company, the products you are selling, your abilities, and what it takes to succeed in this profession. 

Perhaps the most important lesson to learn once you have become a sales representative is how to manage your time. When boiled down, surprisingly little of a salesperson’s time is taken up with selling – much more is spent forging relationships, going to conferences, planning trips, and travelling, so knowing how to divide that time up and use it all meaningfully and to the greatest advantage for your company is a difficult skill. 

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You Complete Training to Become Certified

Along your journey of learning, you will no doubt be eager to become a certified sales representative. By completing this training, you will become much more reputable; you will be taught by those who have been in the profession for many years and you will be able to start demanding higher salaries.

There are multiple types of certification, though famous ones include courses from the National Association of Sales Professionals and Sales and Marketing Executives International.

You Get to Know Other Reps

You will have the opportunity to meet up with sales reps from other companies, as well as the dealers who are employed by the same business as you. Visit the United States Rep Association website to see their yearly schedule and find out when you can make new contacts and attend useful training courses. 

You Represent Trusted and Loved Brands 

You will learn to love representing trusted and loved brands, giving customers high-quality products and a brilliant buyer experience. Businesses such as fluentconveyors.com have spent many years building up trust in their client base and learning how to best treat their dealers, sending them on their way to success. Through this two-way working relationship, you will come to love your company and love selling their product as you enjoy the mutual accomplishment.

You Work Towards Success

After these opening chapters of your journey, you will begin to work your way towards success. 

Like any profession, the instant pay-off is no guarantee and it could take many years before you are truly familiar with the position, thriving on making contacts and securing sales. Once you break through the initial barriers of learning the basics, passing training courses, and discovering what makes your company tick, you will see the rest of your sales path stretching out ahead of you and be ready to head for the horizon.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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