Tips to Providing Excellent Customer Service

Almost two-thirds of customers say they’ve had customer fury as a result of a customer service or support engagement. Yes, many organizations’ customer service has earned such a terrible reputation that the accompanying emotion has been given its own name.

Increased blood pressure, a reddening face, a rising voice, and colorful vocabulary are common signs of “customer anger.” Being put on hold for an extended period of time, having your call transferred to another department after a long wait, or speaking with customer care agents reading from unhelpful scripts can all exacerbate this condition.

Businesses that value excellent customer service will stand out in their industry in 2022 and beyond, have higher customer and brand loyalty, and create more revenue.

What Is Good Customer Service?

To deliver a frictionless client experience, good customer service entails giving the highest quality of customer care possible. This means following customer service best practices, providing helpful resources, solving customer issues in the channels they prefer, and more. In general, this entails going above and beyond – regardless of the situation – to meet or exceed your consumers’ expectations.

The Advantages of Excellent Customer Service

Meeting and exceeding your customers’ expectations throughout the whole purchasing process and customer lifecycle is what great customer service entails. From pre-purchase through post-purchase, you want to make sure your clients’ requirements are met in a way that fosters a positive relationship and establishes trust in your business.

You can deliver the best customer service if you take the time to learn about your customers’ demands. Great customer service benefits businesses as well, with increased customer retention, lifetime customer value, revenue growth, and brand reputation.

  1. Reduces customer churn

According to an Oracle study, after one bad customer experience, 89 percent of buyers switched to a competitor brand.

Customers will feel welcomed and valued if you provide a more positive experience than your competition. They’ll be more inclined to stay, and churn will be reduced. That’s all there is to it.

  1. Increases the lifetime value of a consumer (LTV)

Better customer service leads to a better customer lifetime value (LTV), which is the amount of money you expect consumers to spend with you over the course of their relationship. The higher the LTV, which leads to more purchases, the more engaged and delighted your consumers are.

In fact, when compared to other consumers, “highly engaged customers buy 90 percent more frequently, spend 60 percent more per transaction, and have three times the annual value.” This also leads to upsell opportunities for B2B companies when it comes time for contract and subscription renewals.

  1. Contributes to revenue growth

Customers who are pleased with their purchases are more likely to return. Businesses that concentrate on improving their customer experience enjoy an average revenue boost of 80%. As a result, the better your customer service, the more likely it is that your business will expand.

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Tips for Providing Excellent Customer Service Consistently

Most businesses envision excellent customer service as involving cheerful communication and “service with a smile.” But there’s a lot more to it than that, especially for B2B enterprises, enterprise offerings, SaaS platforms, and high-priced consumer goods and services.

Here are few pointers to help you improve your customer service from ordinary to exceptional:

  1. Be responsive

Timely responses are critical to a positive customer service experience, and in this day and age of smartphones, customers demand instant responses. For example, 71% of people under the age of 25 say that a quick reaction time is essential for a positive experience.

The speed of response is determined by the support channel(s) used: 51% “expect a response in less than five minutes on the phone,” 28% “expect the same on live chat,” and 46% “expect a response in less than four hours via email.”

When you make an attempt to answer to clients swiftly, they will make an effort to compliment you to their network, which improves your company’s reputation and attracts new customers.

While you may not always be able to respond to particular client issues right away, you can acknowledge their concerns and let them know you’re working on a solution, for example, through an automated email answer or a social media comment.

  1. Using Help Desk Software to Automate Processes

You must strike the perfect mix between humans and technology to provide excellent customer service. Automate your manual processes with cloud-based solutions and get more done in less time.

You can automate your internal procedures and boost team efficiency with the correct help desk software, often known as customer support solutions. Agents will have ample time to respond quickly and concentrate their efforts on the most serious problems.

How the automated features of a help desk product can help you improve customer service:

Ticket Routing: You can assign tickets to individual agents or distribute them fairly among your team members using automated ticket routing. This is a fantastic approach to save time because agents will know exactly what they need to do.

Chatbots: With ProProfs Help Desk, you can create chatbots that are tailored to your specific needs. You have complete control over the conversational flow and can assist your audience at any time.

  1. Use Positive Body Language

Are your agents bored with their everyday responsibilities or dissatisfied with their jobs in general? That might show up in their body language, making customers feel the same way when they visit your physical store.

Hand movements, facial emotions, eye contact, and other nonverbal indications are all examples of body language. It is critical to master these indications in order to improve customer service and the overall customer experience.

Customers’ perceptions of your brand can be greatly influenced by subtle changes in body language. Teach agents to read their own body language as well as the body language of their consumers. For example, facial expressions can indicate whether a buyer is perplexed and requires assistance while acquiring your goods.

  1. Make no promises you can’t keep.

Consider a time when one of your favorite brands made a promise it couldn’t meet. Isn’t that the worst feeling? Customers despite brands who make false promises, and it will be difficult for them to recover their trust again in the future.

When you promise a customer speedier delivery, best-in-class product quality, 24×7 human support, and so on, and you can’t deliver, it might result in a bad customer experience.

It’s not a good idea, for example, to promise clients next-day delivery only to make them happy. You must be realistic and open about what your company can promise or deliver. 

OneDios has established a platform for providing a more efficient and smooth customer service experience. It’s a website where users can file a complaint regarding an appliance’s repair, installation, or anything linked to their purchased brand. With OneDios, calling for LG, Daikin, Bluestar, hindware customer care is no longer a hassle as all these corporations are available on the platform.

Wondering what has changed with OneDios that hasn’t happened with conventional customer service? It’s simple! It has made connecting to customer service personnel more efficient and less time-consuming.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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