Read This Before You Choosing Your Online Store Development Platform

One of the most versatile and robust platforms available today for developing ecommerce stores, Shopify comes with a  lot of advantages for aspiring entrepreneurs to set up an incredible shop online. The full-featured and constantly evolving platform proves great for a slew of online business types and models. Like any other software, Shopify also has its own pros and cons. Here are some important aspects about Shopify that will let you decide if this platform is the right one for your ecommerce ambition.  


Shopify can be a great option if you have both physical and digital goods or services that will need a minimal amount of configuration. Shopify platform comes with a highly powerful in-built variant support that will include the possibility to link different product options. However, the maximum variations that can be accommodated is 100 per product. If you plan to sell products that come with few materials or color variations, Shopify is a great option. If you have only one product or just a handful of products to sell, this platform can help you in an incredible way.  


Shopify is not only the place that allows you to run your online store, it’s much more than that. Shopify has its own great features that help business owners maximizing their stores in terms of everything including revenue, traffic and more. Sho pify offers heaps of apps that are designed specifically for business owners to maximize the store efficiency. Apps like Oberlo, Tada are some of the great examples of innovative apps that you can integrate to your store. While every app has its own importance, Tada is the one that your online store should have. Tada is a spin the wheel app that allows your visitors play a fun, engaging game to win a discount in exchange for their email address. Adding Tada’s Gamified and full-screen pop-ups to your ecommerce store will help increasing subscribers by 500% and sales by 135% instantly.


Stores operated with large inventories can take the best advantage of Shopify themes that come with features like multi-tag filtering and a flexible collection organizing system for organizing your products. A number of Shopify themes provide you the ability to create sophisticated megamenu navigation systems that are very essential stores dealing with a wide range of product categories. The built-in tools of this platform can help ensure conformity with several business approaches and models.


If you have a clear idea on how your store must look like, Shopify can be a great option. There are hundreds of professionally designed Shopify themes available for free use or for purchase. All of these themes provide a great number of customizing options letting you play with colors, fonts, navigation features and layouts to your heart’s content. If you feel projecting your brand is very important for you but you do not have enough budget to hire a designer, you will find Shopify a great option to bank on. With a lot of possibilities to use while customizing your site, it is most likely that you will land on the look and feel you are dreaming of.

Leveraging best practices

Shopify platform is a great option to those that want to leverage on the best practices in the ecommerce arena. A host of premium Shopify themes are designed with conversion practices in mind. It is hence possible for you to gain access to proven designs that are not expensive.

Why use Shopify

There are a number of reasons that say why Shopify is a singularly best platform for any ecommerce store development project. Whether you are a novice or seasoned entrepreneur, you can immensely benefit from the slew of advantages Shopify gives its users. With the possibility to get your business online easily and quickly, you will never have any reasons to be disappointed while using this platform to develop your online store. Most users say Shopify Web Development is a highly exciting and rewarding experience.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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