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Taking the Microsoft AZ-204 exam can be a very enriching process that will affect your career. The Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate certification that you can obtain after passing this test showcases your ability to design, build, validate, and maintain apps and services on the Azure platform. The Azure developers are involved in practically all the phases of the Cloud development project. Your duties also require you to collaborate with the Cloud DBAs, Cloud solution architects, Cloud administrators, as well as clients for a seamless implementation of solutions.
Given the in-depth nature of the Microsoft AZ-204 certification exam, the candidates must prepare with great deliberation before taking it. So, let’s cover the basic details of the test, and then you can follow some tips we have prepared for you below.
Experience requirement
Before you can take the AZ-204 exam, it is recommended that you have one to two years of experience in professional development. Similarly, you should have the same experience with Microsoft Azure. Besides, you need to have the ability to program in a language that the Azure environment supports. Your proficiency in Azure PowerShell, Azure SDKs, Azure CLI, data connections, app authorization, app authentication, performance tuning, container deployment, and APIs is also vital. Gaining this kind of experience requires you to be in an environment that actively uses Azure.
Exam details
The exam costs $165 and is available in the following languages: English, Korean, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese. Please note that the exact amount paid for this certification test varies depending on your geographic location. You can check the official website for exact pricing. Be sure to change your location. The learners will be tested on the following skills:
- Developing Azure compute solutions;
- Developing Azure security;
- Developing Azure storage;
- Connecting to and consuming Azure services;
- Monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing Azure solutions.
All the topics will be presented in 60 questions of various formats and you will need to clear them in 150 minutes. If you are able to get 700 points as the passing score, the certificate will be yours.
Study tips
Before starting your preparation, you need to know about a few recommendations and tips that will help you during this thorough process.
- Explore CLI and C# SDKs
Resource management makes an important part of the Microsoft AZ-204 certification test. Therefore, you need to practice on how to do so using the freely available tools. As you may see from Exam-Labs dumps, the majority of the questions revolve around how Azure solutions are set up and managed. Exploring these tools will make these parts easy to answer.
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- Set aside ample study time
Going through various resources can be time consuming considering the detailed nature of each concept. If you do not create enough study time, you will not be able to complete them within your timeframe. Develop the strategies for getting extra time, including waking up an hour or two early if you need.
- Take practice tests
Taking practice tests help you have a rough idea of how the exam questions are framed. Ensure that you use them along with exam dumps in your study plan. They not only reveal how Microsoft sets its tests but also ask you questions that you will meet in the actual exam.
Final words
In conclusion, we want to say that the Microsoft AZ-204 test requires a more hands-on approach. As a result, make your training more practical and have a look at exam dumps as well as practice tests to have an idea of what to expect.