Make People Follow Your Brand Like A Pro – Practical Tips For Your Social Media Campaign

Social media has taken the world by storm, especially the way digital businesses operate.

Some have seen their brands growing by leaps and bounds, while others have been appreciated by a million users at a time.

However, the main question is – how have they been able to crack the code to an impressive and attention-catching social media campaign in the first place at all?

Well, this is what we are going to help you and your brand with – how to make people follow your brand like a pro!

Be it by hiring professionals with an augmented reality certificate or changing the way you represent your brand, we are here to help you with everything necessary!

Make things innovative

Let’s get it straight; no one wants to be entertained by something redundant or repetitive, especially when everyone already has a ton of options to look up to.

People would happily prefer on someone else’s page rather than watching something on your page that’s been already seen like 100 thousand times.

So, what is the way out?

The simple answer is to make things innovative in every way possible.

For example, instead of using the same old brand campaign, you can make use of a professional’s talent that hails with an augmented reality certificate and is very much capable of turning things upside down. 

Let your brand be a storyteller

The next tip we have here is all about the art of storytelling.

Take a friend of yours, as an example, and you always turn to that friend whenever feeling sad or down for multiple reasons.

You want your friend to listen to your rant and just put a hand on your shoulder so that you can feel a bit okay with everything going on around you, right?

However, how would you feel if your same friend abruptly starts talking about himself instead of listening to what you were telling him before? Obviously a bit too awkward than usual, right?

The same is the case with your storytelling and the campaign you are trying to run.

Instead of talking about what your brand can and cannot do, talk about how your brand can put a thoughtful hand on your customer’s shoulder.

This will help you in the longest run ever. 

Another thing to note down here is that people on social media come to connect and digitally hang out with people whom they can’t meet physically.

Well, we are not asking you to host a digital party at all. Instead, get to the spirits or roots of the intent.

Let your campaign on social media welcome people with an open heart instead of presenting yourself like an e-commerce website. 

Don’t forget the aesthetics

The most important part is – aesthetics are your best bet in social media campaigns.

Be it done with the help of an augmented reality certificate and everything that involves a virtually appealing touch for the user or maintaining the overall theme if you have not been able to catch your customer’s attention don’t consider an expected return on investment.

Read Also  : Can Augmented Reality Save Art? Here’s What To Expect From Future Museums

Bottom Line:

Social media has been a real ROI booster for not one but many businesses at the same time!

However, this doesn’t mean that they have been able to do it overnight.

This simply means that those brands had to take care of a lot of things in their main social media campaigns.

Lastly, we hope that you found this article worth your time and reading.

Drop your feedback in the comments section below!


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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