Hey, it’s me, Christie and I see you want to learn how to play the violin.
So glad you came by this website. I know I must have been in your shoes only a short while ago.
I can certainly relate to wanting to learn how to play the violin.
As a child, I would spend hours listening to my grandfather play the violin. I was fascinated as I saw the bow move over those strings and couldn’t believe that my Granddad’s fingers could move so quickly.
Is there someone in your family that plays the violin? Even if there isn’t, you can probably relate to hearing about my Granddad. Of course, years later, I realized that Granddad, while talented, wasn’t the maestro I had remembered as a child! But I thought the music was beautiful and he loved that instrument so very much.
Learning to Play the Violin – The Easy Way
I tried learning to play the violin when I was eight or nine years old. My teacher scared me to death! She seemed older than the hills to me. She smelled of muscle rub and moth balls. She was grumpy and didn’t seem to like the violin at all – or me either for that matter.
By the time I was in my teens, I found the violin’s beautiful sound romantic. So I tried to learn the violin again. I made my parents buy the latest book. I begged for a violin for my birthday. I saved up all my money and I bought the “Here’s the Easiest Way to Learn How to PlaytheViolin. “Did it work? Nope. I became quickly frustrated. I didn’t understand the concepts. I couldn’t read the music. I gave up. Sound familiar yet?
By now, I was thoroughly convinced I would be unable to learn how to playtheviolin. Simply was not going to happen. Thank goodness I was wrong! I finally found a way to learn to play violin, but it sure wasn’t easy to find. I had all but given up hope of sounding anywhere near the way my Granddad did on the violin. He always tried to teach me, as well, but I just simply could not seem to grasp the concept. I obviously was not one to learn the violin through traditional means. I needed something more.
I found it here.I swear I thought this site was tailored for me. I didn’t have to waste my time to learn to play violin music from a smelly, older lady. I didn’t have to read a book and hope I understood it could learn to play violin in a quick and easy way that seemed to be created just for me.
By now, I be you’re a little bit curious. If you really want to learn how to play violin music and you are tired of all the ways that didn’t work, take a few moments and look around this site. Did I like every aspect of learning how to playtheviolin? Nope.I wishes I had the audio files on a CD to play in my car. But I’m working on taking care of that now.
Isn’t it time you learned how to play violin? Do you wish, like I did, that it was easy to learn how to play violin music, just as beautifully as others? Do the violin and its music leave you breathless? If so, take that next step. Take look heredity’s not just another book to read. It’s real knowledge that you can use to learn how to play violin in no time at all. I’m living proof that it works!
Learning to Play the Violin is not so hard you just need the right training. Click here to read more about violins.