How Small Business SEO Can Help Your Business Grow

How Small Business SEO Can Help Your Business Grow

Being a small business owner in 2021 is challenging, and 2022 will only bring more obstacles. Countless businesses perish in their first year of existence, and many more fail to make it to their 5 year anniversary. Even well-established businesses are susceptible to failure if they are unable to evolve with the times. 

Marketing was taxing enough before the internet, but digital marketing has opened up a Pandora’s box of strife for some businesses, and endless success for others. Inevitably you have to worry about your online presence, which leaves many business owners confused and frustrated. For someone who has made their living with physical ads and word to mouth, search engine optimization is an unfamiliar concept, and for those who are new in the business world, good luck! Your outlook may seem bleak if you have been through a poor agency in the past or are currently struggling to find a good fit, but there are plenty of ways a good SEO specialist can help your small business excel. Digital marketing is taking over as the most effective way to reach customers, so educate yourself on what you are paying for and find the best service for your company.

What Is Search Engine Optimization, And What Should You Expect From Your Provider?

What does SEO actually consist of? Well, that depends on how deep you want to go into the components of a successful campaign. Search engine optimization is not easily summarized because there are so many areas of discipline that need to work in harmony for your company to receive the best results. A knowledgeable SEO expert can assist you in determining the kind of SEO that is needed for your business. This is contingent upon the industry in which you operate, the area in which you are operating, and your SEO capabilities, weaknesses, potential, and risks. 

The easiest way to explain SEO is to label search engines as a referral generator, which puts the most relevant results at the top for specific queries. TO be the most relevant, you need a high-quality, user-friendly site with content that may be deemed “better” than any other pages on the internet. In addition to your on-site and on-page factors, you must consider your Maps rankings, off-site listings, and the authority of your pages and site as a whole. 

The task of a search engine optimization specialist is to find exactly what you need to rank for specific pages, which will consist of optimizing content for specific keywords, creating high-converting meta title and descriptions, optimizing your URLs, using the correct schema, and much more. And that’s before they start building authority to help the page become relevant.

For small businesses, the primary SEO aspects to take into consideration are the following: 


It is critical to have a well-structured, responsive, and mobile-friendly website. 


Your information should help a buyer understand why they should choose you. 

Marketing via content. 

Informative blog content can help you reach a larger audience. 


Basic optimization is crucial; consider meta descriptions and page titles. 

Local search engine optimization.

Local businesses are urged to use  local SEO to help them succeed on a community level. 

Link building.  

Links continue to drive good search engine rankings. 


Testimonials, portfolios, and reviews all benefit you in securing deals. 

SEO can be challenging. Thus, it is critical to understand your position and the potential you have. And, fortunately, for smaller businesses, we can typically simplify the conversation whereby it all boils down to links, content, and website design. 

Is Engaging With a Small Business SEO Right For You?

Search engines are an integral part of how we all now find products and services. Thus, in the vast majority of circumstances, being on top of search engine rankings is an excellent technique to reach potential clients. This is not to imply that it is the greatest marketing strategy for all businesses at all times. 

Consider the following first: 


You may lack the financial resources necessary to compete with big businesses. 

Speed. SEO can be a lengthy process before it can deliver viable results, particularly in competitive industries.

Notable competitors. 

Certain search phrases are controlled by titans, making competition difficult. 

Thus, while organic search exposure is always good, it should not be depended on exclusively — especially if you want fast results and have a long way ahead of you. Typically, alternative approaches such as PPC advertising might provide quicker results while you start the turtle race of SEO.

Choosing a Small Business SEO Provider

This is tricky and will require some preparation on your part. Is the freelancer or agency well-known and has excellent reviews? Conduct some research first and avoid taking anything at face value. Who owns the business? Who are the search engine optimization consultants? Are they well-known and well-respected in their field? 

The following questions can serve as a useful jumping-off point for a discussion with prospective SEO providers. Without a doubt, considering these questions and possible responses will help you become a more educated buyer, ensuring that your SEO provider becomes a great asset instead of a wooden leg. 

  1. How will you increase our search engine optimization? 

You would like to see references to technical audits and solutions, local SEO, on-page optimization, local SEO, speed optimization, content optimization, and, most likely, some type of link building. 

  1. In what areas of SEO do you specialize? 

SEO is a complicated process with numerous moving elements – technical, national, local, content, organic, and links. Many smaller SEO agencies specialize in small roles; therefore, you should inquire to ensure that this agency is a perfect fit for your demands. 

  1. What tactics do you employ to increase a site’s online visibility? 

This is a critical question. You would want to search for someone who has a firm grasp of how ranking works. 

  1. How To Keep Up With Results?

To keep you entirely informed, your specialist should send you updated keyword rankings monthly, along with your website metrics, search console results, and listing traction if applicable.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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