Psychologically speaking, inspiration is when you happen to have the motivation to do or feel something. Especially, it is shown by having a certain uplift when you have a feeling of an unexpected burst of strength, and your thoughts become practical and clear.
A lot of people consider this state to be unique for creative people and do not believe that every day can bring inspiration to anyone. Sometimes to get inspired it is enough to look at things around you from a different angle and change your attitude towards what is happening in your life.
Where and where to get inspiration from?
A lot of Internet resources provide a wide library of beautiful free templates that can become an inspiration for your own design. Do not hesitate to use them to boost your creativity.
Ten or twenty or maybe more minutes a day spent alongside a book – and you have a marvelous chance to get inspired by a beautiful life story and adventures of main characters with all their ups and downs.
Communicating with nature, especially being in those places where civilization and the hand of man have not reached, your creativity will be boosted by all the life around you. Nowadays, people spend more time at their tables rather than outdoors. Go have a walk and look attentively! The feeling of being connected to nature will undoubtedly inspire you.
Although this method is not suitable for everyone, some might find it rewarding. Challenging yourself, overcoming obstacles, trying to overcome what scares you give satisfaction and inspire you to new achievements.
Your environment, meaning people surrounding you, can also affect your inspiration. There will definitely be someone who you admire, who you consider to be successful. Talking to them, spending time together might have a rather amazing influence on you. Try to surround yourself with those who are always positive, who have energies that can inspire you. And ignore those who are constantly complaining, negative, always in a bad mood, and make you feel upset every time you are around.
Music evokes in us a lot of feelings, emotions, associations, it helps to break away from everyday life. Turning in a playlist with inspirational and energising songs will start your day right.
Trips to new cities and countries are always sources of new impressions, emotions and, of course, inspiration. It happens quite often that the most astonishing ideas come to us during long trips.
A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. For example, an evening run can energize you with creativity and inspire you to new ideas. If running is too traumatizing then try something else, there is such a variety out there.
The best option is to leave the city for nature and distract your thoughts, or, conversely, after living in nature, plunge into the rhythm of the metropolis. In your workflow, set aside time to reboot your brain. Have a cup of tea, go for a walk, chat with a friend about a neutral topic.
If you do not have the energy to scroll through another feed on some other website and look for new ideas for design, give your eyes a break from the monitor. Go to a museum, an exhibition, or any cultural event in your city. Take a closer look at the architectural monuments. Sometimes inspiration comes just after this type of rest.
It is harder than it sounds. We do not always understand how much visual noise, the noise of the city (traffic jams, metro, advertising signs) affects the quality of our concentration and creative process.
If you cannot get the first touch on the canvas, then start with drafts. Do not think perfect, just sketch. A brain freed from the burden of responsibility for mistakes can give you a couple of new ideas.
Do not be lazy to learn new and cutting edge things that are emerging in your field. Inspiration will come to you by itself! Learn new languages, learn to cook, write poetry, practice new sports, go hiking, improve your computer skills, go swimming, after all.
Sitting still, emptying your mind, and trying to focus only on your breath has a powerful effect on your mind, body, and soul. Sounds simple, but due to our hectic lifestyle, it can be quite difficult for us. Try these mindful minutes every day. Over time, you will get used to it and will be able to lengthen the period. Then you will see how useful it is.