7 cybersecurity tips to avoid risks on vacation

7 cybersecurity tips to avoid risks on vacation

Being protected against the many existing cybersecurity threats is no easy task. We face many risks every day, and these risks increase as we spend more time connected to the Internet from our electronic devices. During vacations, we often intend to disconnect. However, we tend to be more connected than ever. In this way, cybercriminals take the opportunity to infiltrate and attack servers and different media used in companies, as some do not have adequate security systems and people do not take the time to configure the devices they use when traveling on vacation.

Although everyone experiences vacation differently, we all want to enjoy and rest. To achieve this in a secure context, we share with you a series of indispensable tips for vacationing without having to worry about cyber-attacks:

  1. Don’t reveal your location on social networks

No matter if we live in or out of the city, it is not safe to publicly communicate our absence from our residence. The first precaution to take is when sharing photos on social networks, making sure that the account is in private mode to protect our digital identity. In addition, we mustn’t share the exact location in the publications to preserve our privacy.

  1. Social Engineering, a latent enemy

Even when relaxing, at the beach, or by the lake, we should pay attention to the content of emails sent to us, unexpected text messages, and phone calls from strangers. Staying alert will avoid giving out sensitive information, such as usernames or passwords and data that should not be shared with others. And remember to avoid using our devices to connect to company portals and resources, as they do not have the same logical or physical protection measures.

  1. Beware of offers

Paper Help services, money, flights, and meals; many offers tempt consumers when surfing the Internet. That is why it is necessary to take all the required measures before clicking on the advertisement or mail. Usually, it is possible phishing. Before buying a product at a really special price, we must verify if its “website” or social network profile is the official one, look for information products on various websites, and read reviews from other buyers. 

Let’s look at Paper Help as an example. It is the official website with reviews and ratings. Everyone else with a similar title is an attempt by crooks to capture an audience. So, remember that just one click is enough to carry out an infection or data theft. 

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  1. Use a secure network

When connecting to a network, make sure it is not public Wi-Fi. If there is no other option, it is important to avoid using applications that request personal information or confidential access accounts, such as bank accounts. Public networks may not be completely secure – be very careful!

  1. Keep your device up to date

Antivirus software, operating systems, and applications are among the tools we should update, as updates may be functional improvements but may also be associated with other utilities. When accepting, it is critical to review the permissions that have been granted and avoid providing additional information.

  1. Download applications from official sites

Some websites offer to download applications that help us navigate the city to make the most of our time and get to know places better. Applications will be needed for transportation, food delivery, or weather information in other places. Whenever we download any of these, we should do so from official websites such as the App Store for iOS or the Google Play Store for Android.

  1. Make backup copies before traveling

We are inevitably prone to loss or theft of our mobile devices during vacations. The best thing to do is to make backup copies before traveling. This way, we will be sure that we will always have a backup of our most important personal files; and in turn, we will be freeing up space in the memory of our devices to take all the photos we want.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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