Increase Sage 200 ERP User Adoption with CloudApper

Increase Sage 200 ERP User Adoption with CloudApper

ERPs help in processing and providing trends on various complex company data like finance, sales, and production. Integrating Sage 200 with CloudApper, a cloud-based business app platform will help translate those complex data to simple information that users can access and update on the go.

ERPs are tied down to PCs and laptops and can be hard to access remotely due to security and other connectivity issues. In such cases CloudApper can help your employees work from their phones by integrating with Sage 200 to increase business functions mobility by providing access to key data remotely. Once integrated you can use separate apps for each business function like facility management, sales force management, and safety management along with ability to create custom apps that can meet the needs of your unique business processes, all in one place.

Easy CloudApper Integration with Sage 200

Run-of-the-mill ERPs are not flexible and have in-depth features that can be difficult to navigate. They also require adequate training to master. CloudApper integration to Sage 200 will make user adoption easier by automated data extraction, data entry to Sage 200 through CloudApper, and updating existing data in Sage 200 in real-time.

Why Integrating CloudApper with Sage 200 will Increase User Adoption

A complex but effective ERP like Sage 200 will be readily adopted by users if integrated with CloudApper due to the following mentioned reasons:

Ease of Training

Adopting a robust ERP can be painstaking due to the lengthy training process and its implementation. Users are not very keen on participating in complex training and the integration of the CloudApper with Sage 200 will make the process easier as it has a user-friendly interface. Training videos can also be uploaded by managers that employees can watch and learn instantly from anywhere.


CloudApper allows you to run your business processes seamlessly, from anywhere and at any time. Integration with Sage 200 will allow employees to access the ERP data and enter data right from their smartphone from anywhere, making the process easier for both managers and employee-level users. Cloud capability allows instant access due to the availability of the internet and the abundance of users with cell phones.

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Elimination of Data Redundancy

CloudApper is able to pull data from Sage 200 upon integration, as well as push data back in it through one-way processes. This eliminates the hassles of manual data entry into the system and makes sure data redundancy is reduced by duplicate data elimination. Users will be able to pick the app up on the go, making Sage 200 adoption easy and natural for everyday work necessities.

Benefits of CloudApper Integration to Sage 200

Simplifying the usage of Sage 200 ERP by integrating with CloudApper can be many fold:

Maximization of ERP ROI

ERP implementation can be quite costly, and it is a wise choice to integrate with a cloud-based app platform like CloudApper to make sure that users properly adopt the module and utilize it in ways that guaranty optimal performance and profitability for the company.

Simple Features

Large-scale ERPs are usually filled with advanced features that are hard for usual users to fathom. This is a key factor behind the lack of employee willingness to adopt ERPs. Integrating Sage 200 with CloudApper No-Code app development platform will ensure greater user adoption due to its straightforward and easy-to-use interface that gets the job done.


CloudApper comes with a wide range of useful pre-developed applications for CRM, Facility Management, Safety Management, Fleet Management, Sales Force Management and many other business functions, but the main benefit of this platform is that all these apps are highly customizable according to the need of your business. This will highly increase your scope of usages for Sage 200 once integrated with CloudApper.

Employees can be eased into Sage 200 adoption by implementing CloudApper’s accessible features that will help the navigation of the ERP and data entry features easy. CloudApper also offers a multitude of apps that you can customize according to your business needs free of cost. Sign up for a 14-day free trial to test out the capabilities of CloudApper now.


IITSWEB is the Chief Business Development Officer at IITSWEB, a Magento design and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. He is a Member of the Magento Association and an Adobe Sales Accredited Magento Commerce professional. Jan is responsible for developing and leading the sales and digital marketing strategies of the company. He is passionate about ecommerce and Magento in particular — throughout the years his articles have been featured on Retail Dive, Hacker Noon, Chief Marketer, Mobile Marketer, TMCnet, and many others.

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